Junior Jazz takes 2nd place on Spirit Night
The junior mural took top honors among the four classes.
May 16, 2018
This year, the the class of 2019, with the theme “Junior Jazz,” took the stands in a quest for 1st place. May 4 proved to be a fun-filled, competitive night for students across all grades. Also, the creativity put forth by members of the junior class was truly remarkable. While the outcome may not have turned out be what the juniors wished for, Spirit Night was still a success across the board for the class of 2019.
Despite not securing first place, the juniors had no shame about their movie. Many students worked hard in different ways to produce this film. Joey Dunphey and Connor Leoni are just a few of the names that can claim responsibility for the cinematography and writing of the film. Dan Salazar, who featured as Soundcloud rapper “Lil D”, was a laughable plot element; his music video for his song “Uh Yeah” was a highlight of the film.
The juniors also fell short in the commons display, taking a less than stellar 3rd place despite widespread criticism of the method of construction used by the sophomore class.
As for the shirts and mural, both designs were created by Laurel Walsh. Walsh incorporated various elements of jazz, The Great Gatsby, and the 1920’s for the mural design. With the help of a number of students who volunteered their time to paint, the juniors were able to take first place for the mural for a second year in a row. The junior shirts, which read, “The class of 2019 … and all that jazz,” had a design that received second place, losing only to the seniors.
The juniors also found success with their dance this year. Choreographed by Jillian Terreri, Jill Gulla, Clare Hanlon, and others, many juniors dedicated multiple hours of their time to learn the dance, and make it look amazing on Spirit Night. The dance contained songs like “All That Jazz”, “Umbrella”, “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody”, and many more. The highlight of the dance was the incorporation of the HHS jazz band; this unique part of the dance is what set it apart from the other grades.
Overcoming struggles in relays early on in the night, the juniors were able to turn the tides, and start catching dubs, placing first for tug of war. Overall, the juniors received a respectable 2nd place for both Spirit Night and Spirit Year. Participation for spirit days and fundraisers, such as the Penny Drive, helped to get this position for the year. Next year, the class of 2019 hope to return to first place for their last Spirit Night.