Red Cross to host Blood Drive on June 11

The American Red Cross will host an open blood drive at Hillsborough High School on June 11 2018.
June 7, 2018
There is no better time to give back to the world than right now; giving blood not only has the possibility to save countless lives, it’s as easy as sitting in a chair for 20 minutes doing nothing. On Monday, June 11, Hillsborough High School will be hosting an open blood drive in the school’s auditorium.
Students age 16 can donate with parental consent, students age 17 can donate with proof of age, and faculty can donate as well. For students who need parental consent, any Red Cross Club member has access to a form that outlines the process and what parents are consenting to. The blood drive will be spearheaded by the Red Cross who will set up their equipment which they’ve ensured is sterile and germ free.
Hillsborough High School’s Red Cross Club will also help out with signing people in and handing out snacks to people post donation. Sign-ups for the blood drive will be held throughout the week of June 4 up until June 8 during all lunch periods.
“People can also walk in and donate on Monday if they want to,” Red Cross Secretary Aahna Rathod said. “We want as many people as possible to donate.”
The school’s National Honors Society will be helping out at the event as well, serving where needed.
“Giving blood was unlike anything I’ve ever felt,” junior Hanna Kim said. “I really can’t express how good I felt knowing that I may have helped saved another life.”
The Blood Drive offers students of the HHS community a chance to give back in ways they might not have the opportunity to in other places. It asks practically nothing of donors, only their willingness to sit for a few minutes.