Weather Committee is newest addition to physical education department

Vice President Thomas Kotarsky views the Weather Channel prior to making the executive decision on whether or not students go outside for gym.
June 11, 2018
A new addition to the physical education department this year has been the weather committee. The committee has three members: President Amanda Yates, Vice President Thomas Kotarsky, and Committee Member Linda Migliore.
The committee works hard to ensure that all physical education classes proceed to the correct location. Their main task as a group is to determine whether or not the weather permits students to go outside for gym, or whether they should remain indoors.
The committee meets on three main occasions: when the weather is poor, the temperature is too cold, or the fields are too wet. Given the information provided, they make a calculated decision on what gym classes should do. Kotarsky is extremely proud of his role on the committee.
“I am proud to be a member because I feel the decision I make is important and impacts everyone,” Kotarsky said. ”I decide whether classes should be held inside all day or only half the day inside.”
The committee must make its decisions timely, Kotarsky believes. The physical education department must be made aware of what is taking place so plans can be made for the day. The Weather Committee prides itself on communication knowing that physical education classes depend on their ruling to decide their activities for the day.
Thank you to the entire weather committee for making big decisions. Your work is much appreciated!