Lamppost banners decorate HHS and add a touch of class to campus
Banners hang outside the school’s main entrance, and among other places around campus.
October 8, 2018
Hillsborough High School has never been a place that has lacked creativity when it comes to school spirit. From colorful murals to posters that cover the halls of the school, HHS has never been one to shy from trying something new. Rather than continue the cycle, Class of 2019 seniors opted to decorate the outside of the building.
This year, funded by the the senior class, new lamppost banners were placed to decorate the parking lots of both the Amwell and football lots. The new lamppost banners were designed by artists in the senior class and display true Raider spirit.
The banners depict classic Hillsborough lettering layout and are splashed with maroon and gold coloring. The illustration draws attention to the eye, and is printed very cleanly upon the canvas.
The move is a step in the right direction to continue beautifying the HHS campus. Despite many murals being painted inside throughout the school in recent years, little action was taken to account for the exterior. Putting up these banners has been the first attempt to extend HHS’s artistry to the outside of the building, and it is not going unnoticed by students.
The hanging lamp post banners are openly visible to those parking at the lots while walking into school, and the students are definitely appreciative of the pop of color.
“The new banners definitely caught my eye,” senior Connor Columbia said. “And it’s cool that our class paid for it.”
The class of 2019 has done a lot in the past three years to make an impact on HHS, and in the process has earned money from fundraising and concession sales. Utilizing this money in a way that positively affects the school is a crowning achievement for the class. The lamppost banners will contribute to a fun and spirited attitude, and will leave class of 2019’s permanent mark on Hillsborough High.