The blue wave wins democrats control of the House

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New Jersey’s Tom Malinowski won a congressional seat for the Garden State in November.
November 27, 2018
The 2018 midterm election has been labeled the one of the most important midterms in the country’s history. The stakes had never been so high before, with 35 of 100 seats in the Senate and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives being contested. Taking place on Nov. 6, 2018, with a new generation of millennial voters, this election came during the middle of President Trump’s term, giving him a disadvantage.
In ordinary years, midterm elections gain significantly fewer votes than those in presidential election years. During an average midterm election of Obama’s presidency, the tally never surpassed 100 million votes. This election, on the other hand, reached 113 million votes and has made historical records.
The democratic party was very pleased with the results of the election, gaining 27 seats in the House of Representatives. They not only gained control of the chamber, but more women and minorities have been elected into office, which for the democratic party is a positive.
New Jersey continued to be a democratic state, taking part in the alleged “blue wave.” Incumbent Robert Menendez held his Senate seat and Tom Malinowski gained a seat in the House of Representatives.
On the other hand, the Republican party expanded their control of the senate. President Trump is very proud of the results of the election. However, even though the House of Representatives is held by Democrats, the variety of party candidates elected expanded the “checks and balances” the government needs to be effective.
“Voting has been something I have been looking forward to forever, and I finally got that chance, and it never felt so good to feel so involved in the world, because every vote does matter,” senior Nicole Wasylak said.
Besides Wasylak, there are many others around Hillsborough High who feel the same way. Voting is both important and exciting, and for first timers, it comes with a feeling of maturity. No one can force a citizen to vote; however, voting has the potential to make the government a better place and make decisions for all the people.
One of the most intense and heated races was held in Florida and has made historic impact. Both the senate race and gubernatorial races ended in controversy and the demand for recounts.
The significance of the midterm elections was felt beyond New Jersey and Florida. Celebrities from across the nation discussed the importance of getting out the vote and the numbers indicate the campaign was successful. Celebrities such as Oprah, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato have all been activists in this recent election by using their social media accounts to post candidate endorsements.