Christopher Ryalls is giving thanks and giving back
History teacher Christopher Ryalls is an inspiration both in and out of the classroom.
December 4, 2018
With the holiday season upon us, it is time for us all to account for what we are truly thankful for. Whether that may be your family, friends, recent achievements, or even what you are most fortunate to have, getting in touch with your gratitude can bring happiness. One thing for sure, it is not difficult to find something in the midst of life’s chaos that you are grateful for.
Although we have plenty to express our appreciation for, others are not as fortunate. Part of the holiday season is to reflect and feel blessed for what you have; however, it is also important that we spread that happiness and give to the people who can’t say they have the same.
History teacher Christopher Ryalls most definitely has plenty to be thankful for and wishes to spread his grateful and giving spirit throughout the Hillsborough High School. He is grateful for his employment here at HHS, for he has been fortunate enough to get the opportunity to meet hundreds of students every year that have the power to inspire him and make his day to day life that much more enjoyable. He is most often seen with a smile on his face and is always willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs advice for he genuinely enjoys relaying his knowledge to his students on a daily basis.
Not only does Ryalls spread his kindness throughout the halls of HHS, but he also volunteers to get into the holiday spirit. Ryalls and his family give back at a local church to help provide meals to those in need on Thanksgiving Day. Ryalls and his family spend a part of their holiday making deliveries to people who, for one reason or another, are unable to get out on Thanksgiving.
Later in the day, he and his family all serve food in the back of the Great Hall at the church. When asked why he does this, Ryalls explained that he just wants to simply give back to others because he already has enough in his life to be appreciative of.
When it comes to volunteering, the notion is found to be daunting for it may look like an extensive process. In all truthfulness, all these organizations need is a helping hand, so if you’re willing to offer one, be prepared to have a rewarding experience. No matter if you are not the “volunteer type,” there is a position for everyone, regardless of age.
“I was always happy to sit on the couch and let others do that sort of thing,” Ryalls said. Following this statement, he continued to explain that the “do good, feel good” that comes from making our community a better place made it all worth it. What will undoubtedly leave an impact is the people you meet and the stories they tell. Ryalls got a taste for doing good and thus, he will be returning yearly with a couple extra hands in tow.
“Well, we felt that now that our children are older we could all use the holiday to help make a difference in the lives of other people,” Ryalls said. “Those who may otherwise be hungry or simply alone on a day normally reserved for family and friends appreciate the kindness.”