Eric Booth Students view the gallery at the Winter Arts FestivalSenior Kasey Klacik’s clay sculptureSenior Izzy Dima’s mixed project created in CraftsKatilyn Dusque’s created this pastel chalks art work as part of her portfolioJunior Caitlin Park’s acrylic painting done in AP Art classSenior Kaitlyn Dunn’s clay sculptureThis drawing was created by senior Emilia Dominguez, as part of her art portfolioMartina Cousin’s colored pencil picture created in Mrs. Mounds classSenior Alisa Nualplub’s block print artwork created in Mrs. Mound’s ArtJunior Juliette Banville’s pen and ink drawing in Mr. Bober’s Drawing courseSenior Laurel Walsh’s acrylic ink work made in the AP Art Studio