Carnation sale supports female empowerment
One of GirlUp club’s posters providing information about the flower sale.
February 5, 2019
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and the Girls Up club is providing a way to send your love to a friend or your crush. The Girls Up club will be in the Commons Tuesday through Friday, selling carnations during all lunch periods. They are $1 and all proceeds will go to supporting the national Girl Up organization.
The club advocates for equal rights for women, raising money to support safety for girls in developing countries and supporting their want for education. The organization was created by the UN and is a worldwide program. This is the first year that they are doing this fundraiser. “We got the idea from seeing what other club’s do for fundraisers,” senior Hanna Kim said. “It is a great opportunity to raise money for a good cause, while also celebrating Valentine’s Day.”
In many third-world countries, girls do not receive the same education, resources, and are many times abused. The Girls Up club spreads awareness around the world about the ongoing problems that many women in other countries face. There are over 1,330 clubs spread across the globe and the organization has directly helped over 34,000 girls over the course of nine years.
All you need is $1 and the homeroom number of the person you would like to send the gift to. A flower is a small token, but it can really brighten up someone’s day. The fundraiser will not only bring joy to the students who receive flowers, but also to the girls in third world countries who will benefit from the raised funds.