It’s dissection season in the anatomy and physiology classes

Jardin Jacoby, Staff writer

That special time of year has come around again when the Anatomy and Physiology classes have started doing their yearly animal dissections. The different types of species include worms, sharks, and fetal pigs.

It is Dr. Ronald Knight’s first year teaching Anatomy and Physiology and he has decided to start with a bang. He ordered close to 15 fetal pigs for his two class periods to dissect. Apparently, the pigs interior structure closely resembles that of a human’s. That is the main reason why Knight chose to use fetal pigs instead of the sharks, worms, and other species that the other A&P classes are using.

“It’s gross, but it’s a good learning experience,” senior Michaela Barney said. “I’m just trying not to cut my fingers while using the scalpel.”

Overall, students seem to enjoy the labs and the new challenges that they bring. The pigs are currently being used to give a real-life example of a digestive system, but throughout the year they will be used to show other body systems.

Even though the pigs are not killed for science, but die because of other reasons and then are shipped to companies for dissection purposes, there is still a large ethical debate over whether the dissection of animals is right. Many students have their own opinions on the matter, which is why every student is offered an alternative project if he/or she feels uncomfortable for any reason.

The purpose of the A&P classes is to learn about the structure and function of the human body. Participating in dissections gives students who are interested in a future medical career a chance to get real hands-on experience.