Alabama abortion bill sparks debates nationwide
A rally in St. Paul, Minnesota broke out to protest the increase in anti-abortion laws.
June 5, 2019
On May 15 2019, Alabama made history by signing into place one of the most controversial bills of this decade, also known as HB 314. Alabama governor Kay Ivey signed into place a bill that would criminalize abortions after 6 weeks. The bill is following similar new bills in nine other states that challenge the rights established by Roe v. Wade; those states include Ohio, Kentucky, Georgia, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Utah, and Louisiana. 7 out of 9 of these states have passed bills that outlaw abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which is usually in between 6-7 weeks. The other two states, Utah and Arkansas, passed laws that outlaw abortion after the middle of the 2nd trimester.
The decision is causing pro-choice and pro-life people to become even more divided; both groups have their own beliefs and reasons to back them up. Many people who are pro-choice have not only been referring to the moral sense, but also about a study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, which suggests with evidence that unborn children can feel pain as soon as 6-10 weeks due to their developing nervous system.
“Abortion is the most horrendous and disgraceful action passed by our government; it is immoral, inhumane, and demonic. With no exaggeration, during an abortion procedure, the growing baby is torn apart and defiled,” junior Jacob Miller said. “Terms like zygote or fetus do not, and should not, devalue the life of a child. If we want our country, and even our world, to be a place of freedom and equality, we need to start with our children, especially the unborn.”
Pro-choice groups are arguing that this new law in Alabama makes zero exception for cases like rape and incest. Many people are outraged that doctors could get up to 99 years in prison for performing an abortion, being considered a Class A crime, while sexual abuse is only considered a Class C crime with 10 years as the maximum sentence. Many also argue that the bill will force women to go through unsafe and unregulated methods in order to have a miscarriage.
“We’re going backward, plain and simple. The result of Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, less than 50 years ago, and people are already attempting to go against it. There is little to no female input. That’s like a group of females saying that men aren’t allowed to use a urinal; we have no experience with urinals, so why should we comment on it? Same thing with abortions,” junior Gabriella Diaz. “I do understand that religion and tradition is a huge factor in voting against abortion. Religious groups claim that their respective God(s) created this life, and by having an abortion, it is murder, which is a sin. Of course, people can believe what they choose, but there is a separation between church and state for a reason. If you are religious and are against abortion, then don’t have an abortion, it’s as easy as that. Don’t take away someone else’s rights because of what you believe personally.”
Planned Parenthood and the Alabama Women’s Center have already filed a lawsuit to challenge the bill. Alabama lawmakers are quoted saying that their intentions with the bill are to get the lawsuit to the Supreme Court in order to get the opportunity to challenge Roe v. Wade. It will take many years for the courts to come up with a final decision on this new bill.